Start building lasting wealth in 9 (often missed) steps.

How to Make Money Flipping Products

Can you make money flipping products? Ever want to ditch the 9-5 but don’t have the money? Ever need money to fund another goal? Then, here’s how you can make money by flipping products. Flipping products is a great way to support your debt free journey. If you’re looking for help getting debt free start with … Continued

How to Talk about Annuities with Mom & Dad

When it’s time to talk to the folks about annuities You’re the default caregiver for mom and dad and mom and dad need more income. Here’s how to talk about annuities with them to have income for life. Help them (and yourself) make retirement easier by starting to get debt free with the free, get … Continued

16 Leaders on LGBTQ Financial Wellbeing

Financial Wellbeing Lessons for LGBTQ Leaders Want to have financial wellbeing as an LGBTQ person but not sure how? On this Queer Money® podcast, we discuss how financial abundance can help you live your best life. Make financial wellbeing easier by paying off high-interest rate credit card debt. So, get the help you need with … Continued

Why Queer Folks Need a Financial Plan

You need a financial plan Fewer LGBTQ folks have a financial plan than the general population. Despite the reasons for that, here’s why all queer people need a financial plan. Do you have a financial plan? Just as you likely couldn’t drive from New York City to Los Angeles without directions, you can’t reach a … Continued

How to FIRE as a Single Person

Is it possible to FIRE as a single person? Want to have financial independence as a single person but not sure how? On this Queer Money® podcast, we discuss how to get FI/RE as a single person. Make financial independence easier by paying off high-interest rate credit card debt. For help specifically with paying off … Continued

7 Basics You Should Know about Annuities

7 Things to Know About Annuities LGBTQ people are more likely to spend retirement alone and with fewer resources. Here’s why annuities may be a great solution for many queer folks. Many folks, not just LGBT are struggling with credit card debt. For help specifically with paying off credit card debt, get the free 7-Step … Continued

7 Ways LGBT Personal Finance Is Different

LGBT Personal Finance Differences This may surprise you – you may even disagree – but being LGBT does affect your finances. So, is LGBT personal finance different? Here are just 7 ways money’s different for queer people. Many folks, not just LGBT are struggling with credit card debt. For help specifically with paying off credit … Continued

How to Find Low-Cost LGBT Retirement Cities

Low-Cost LGBT Retirement Cities Where can a queer person live in retirement that’s affordable and unabashedly LGBTQ-friendly? We received an email with a question very similar to this from a listener. Were here to help with these types of Queer Money questions! For help specifically with paying off credit card debt, get the free 7-Step Credit … Continued