Start building lasting wealth in 9 (often missed) steps.

5 After-College Goals for Your Money

What are your after-college goals? You finally graduate college and other than get a “real” job, what should you do and how will you pay for it? Get 5 after-college goals for your money. Start your journey to financial independence by getting rid of any credit card debt with the free, 7-Step Credit Card Debt … Continued

9 Ways to Start House Hacking to Save Money

Consider house hacking as a retirement strategy Retirement planning – or any other financial planning for that matter – doesn’t just need to be just about cost-cutting. Here’s house hacking can increase your income to reach all your money goals more easily. Before house hacking, start your journey to financial independence by getting rid of … Continued

The Savers Tax Credit for Low-Wage Workers

What is the Savers Tax Credit? Struggling with low wages? Can’t afford to contribute to an IRA. There may be help! Get all you need to know about the Savers Tax Credit here. Start your journey to financial independence by getting rid of any credit card debt with the free, 7-Step Credit Card Debt Slasher. … Continued

9 Steps to Retire Fast(er)

Want to retire fast? So, you want to retire yesterday but have nothing saved or invested? Here’s everything you need to retire fast (if you aren’t prepared to retire). Start by getting rid of any credit card debt with the free, 7-Step Credit Card Debt Slasher. What does it take to retire faster? So, you … Continued

How to Find Your Ikigai (and Find Your Purpose)

How to find your Ikigai Especially now, people are rethinking and reorganizing their lives, seeking deeper purpose. Here’s how to find your Ikigai and find your purpose. Start by getting rid of any credit card debt with the free, 7-Step Credit Card Debt Slasher. What is Ikigai For most, a precarious financial situation is a … Continued

How do Roth Conversion Ladders Work?

Can Roth conversion ladders be beneficial to me? Want to retire early or delay taking social security as long as possible? Roth conversion ladders may help you reach these goals. Want to have more money in your pocket now? Start by getting rid of any credit card debt with the free, 7-Step Credit Card Debt … Continued

How to Know If You Should Buy an Annuity

What to know before you buy an annuity Annuities are something your grandfather warned you about, but what if an annuity is right for you? Here’s how to know if you should buy an annuity. To talk with someone about how an annuity might help you, contact our friends at Gainbridge here. Should I buy … Continued

How Couples Can Manage Different Incomes

What do you do if you and your partner have different incomes When there is a financial gap between you and your partner, it can cause stress and problems.  And if you have debt that can be even more of a stressor. Let us help you eliminate your credit card debt with this free, 7-Step … Continued

Loving Yourself by Decolonizing Wellness

What is Decolonizing Wellness? Like it or not, food, diet, and appearance impact our finances and the way we feel about ourselves. Want to feel better about your finances? Start by getting rid of any credit card debt with the free, 7-Step Credit Card Debt Slasher. Steps to take to decolonize wellness We live in … Continued