How can you make $1000 fast
Learn how you can make $1000 fast with these ten tips here. Then, let us help you on your journey to financial independence by eliminating credit card debt with the free 7-Step Credit Card Debt Slasher.
Our top 10 creative ways to make $1000 in a short time
According to the Motley Fool/Debt Free Guys LGBTQ+ Money Study, our community’s biggest financial concerns are trying to keep up with the cost of living and making enough money to cover our expenses. And with inflation the way it is, stagnant wages, and the rocky stock market, there could be numerous reasons why you might need to earn some extra cash fairly quickly.
On this episode of Queer Money®, we’re sharing ten ways to make $1,000 fast, explaining how much you might earn by renting out your car or a room in your home on a short-term basis. We discuss how to monetize your expertise by writing listicles, proofreading articles, or answering questions and describe how people make extra cash as online English tutors and website testers.
Listen in for insight on becoming a dog walker or pet sitter and learn how to stack multiple strategies to make a significant amount of money in a single weekend!
Listen to get more insight on ways to make $1000 fast
Topics covered on ways to make $1000 fast
- Our top 10 creative ways to make $1,000 in a short time
- The average monthly earnings for hosting a single room on short-term rental websites
- How to offset your car payments by renting it out on Turo or HyreCar
- The best resources for selling your old textbooks to earn extra money
- How to make money by sharing your expertise on JustAnswer
- Websites that pay you for writing listicles
- How much you can earn testing websites through Experience Dynamics or Userfeel
- Making extra cash as an online English tutor
- How you can earn up to $60/hour for proofreading services
- The benefits of becoming a dog walker or pet sitter
- Offering lawn care or landscaping services for extra income
- Stacking multiple strategies to make significant cash fast
Resources on ways to make 1000 fast
- Motley Fool/Debt Free Guys LGBTQ+ Money Study
- Zeaona McIntyre on Queer Money EP163
- Justin McCarty on Queer Money EP138
- Airbnb
- Misterb&
- Student 2 Student Google App
- Experience
- Upwork
- Fiverr
- TaskRabbit
- House
- House Sitters
- Rover App
- CreditWise
Connect with David and John
- Debt Free Guys on Facebook
- Debt Free Guys on Twitter
- Debt Free Guys on Youtube
- Queer Money Facebook Group
- Queer Money on Instagram
- Subscribe on Apple Podcasts
- Email [email protected]
Watch this week’s episode on ways to make $1000 fast
Previous 3 Podcast Episodes
- How to Make Money with Covered Calls
- How to Manifest More Money and Abundance
- How to Be a Financial Feminist with Tori Dunlap
We’re David and John Auten-Schneider, the Debt Free Guys ( and hosts of the Queer Money® podcast. We help queer people (and allies) live fabulously not fabulously broke by helping them 1) pay off credit card debt, 2) become part- or full-time entrepreneurs and 3) save and invest for retirement.