Is there an economic case for LGBT equality?
LGBT equality will be achieved by pursuing several fronts. MV Lee Badgett made the case and the case is strong. Hear what she says on Queer Money®. Start your journey to financial independence by getting rid of any credit card debt with the free, 7-Step Credit Card Debt Slasher.
What is the economic case for LGBTQ equality?
There’s a moral case for LGBT equality. And there’s a human rights case for LGBT equality. But did you know that there’s an economic case for it too? And the economic case may be the strongest argument we have in today’s environment.
MV Lee Badgett is a Distinguished Scholar with the Williams Institute and Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts—Amherst. She is also the author of the powerful book, The Economic Case for LGBT Equality: Why Fair and Equal Treatment Benefits Us All.
On this episode of Queer Money, Lee joins us to explore the relationship between inclusion and economic development, explaining how minority stress affects LGBT workers, businesses and the economy overall. Lee discusses the potential flight out of states passing anti-LGBT and anti-trans legislation, describing how that migration might impact those states and the companies there.
Listen in for Lee’s insight on what corporations can do to dispel feelings of pink-washing and learn what role you can play in making the economic case for LGBT equality.
Listen to what MV Lee Badget has to say about LGBT equality:
Topics Covered
- Why now is the right time to make the economic case for LGBT equality
- How minority stress affects minority workers, businesses and the economy overall
- Whether businesses are doing enough to create safe and inclusive work environments
- Why companies with openly LGBT senior managers outperform other firms
- How to harness the positive side of workplace diversity
- The resilience the queer community demonstrates in challenging times
- The potential flight out of states passing anti-LGBT and anti-trans legislation (and how it might impact those states and the businesses there)
- How Lee’s GILRHO Index demonstrates the relationship between inclusion and economic development
- The response to Lee’s finding that India lost $1B in GDP growth due to homophobia
- How companies can get involved in Lee’s plan to improve LGBT equality
- What corporations can do to dispel feelings of pink washing
- How Lee thinks about the anti-capitalist strain of the LGBT community
Previous 3 Podcast Episodes
- 5 Reasons Why We’re Downsizing Our Home
- How to Retire Early When You Have Kids
- When Can I Start Taking Social Security?
Connect with Lee
- The Economic Case for LGBT Equality: Why Fair and Equal Treatment Benefits Us All by MV Lee Badgett
- World Bank Study on the Economic Cost of Homophobia in India
- Jay Allen on Queer Money® EP001
- Deloitte University Leadership Center: A New Model of Inclusion
- Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights by Kenji Yoshino
- Credit Suisse Research on the Value of Diversity
- Todd Sears on Queer Money EP108
- Dominic Barton Interview in Forbes
- ‘Bathroom Bill to Cost North Carolina $3.76B’ in AP News
- ‘The Relationship Between LGBT Inclusion and Economic Development’ in ScienceDirect
- CreditWise
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We’re David and John Auten-Schneider, the Debt Free Guys ( and hosts of the Queer Money® podcast. We help queer people (and allies) live fabulously not fabulously broke by helping them 1) pay off credit card debt, 2) become part- or full-time entrepreneurs and 3) save and invest for retirement.