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7 Quick Tips to Eliminate Debt FAST!

Need to eliminate debt fast?

Do the holidays and family have you stressing about holiday debt? Don’t stress this season with these 7 quick tips to eliminate debt FAST! For help specifically with paying off credit card debt, get the free 7-Step Credit Card Debt Slasher.

Focus our strategies to eliminate debt! 

Do you feel obligated to spend money for the holidays? Yes, it is the season of giving. But if you’re taking on debt to buy gifts for friends and family, you may feel less festive and more stressed. But what if you had a plan to pay off that holiday debt fast?

On this episode of Queer Money, we share seven quick tips for getting rid of debt as quickly as possible, challenging you to get crystal clear on WHY you want to pay off your cards and avoid accruing more debt. We discuss the benefit of paying your bills on payday versus waiting until they’re due and describe how a spending analysis can help you identify the categories where you’re overspending.

Listen in for insight on the value of building an emergency savings account and learn how our Credit Card Debt Slasher can help you pay off holiday debt ASAP!

Listen to the 7 steps to eliminate debt fast:

Topics Covered

  • 7 quick tips for paying off holiday credit card debt ASAP
  • How a clear WHY fuels you to keep working toward a goal when times get tough
  • 3 strategies you can use to stop accruing debt
  • Why we spend less when we use cash rather than credit or debit cards
  • The benefit of paying your bills on payday vs. waiting until they’re due
  • How to do a spending analysis to rein in overspending (e.g.: subscription services you don’t use)
  • Our advice on building an emergency savings and keeping the money at arm’s length
  • Our 5-step debt lasso method for paying off credit cards
  • Putting extra money (e.g.: holiday bonuses) toward credit card debt


Resources from this episode:


Previous 3 Podcast Episodes


We’re David and John Auten-Schneider, the Debt Free Guys ( and hosts of the Queer Money® podcast. We help queer people (and allies) live fabulously not fabulously broke by helping them 1) pay off credit card debt, 2) become part- or full-time entrepreneurs and 3) save and invest for retirement.

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