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7 Smart Ways to Fight Inflation

How to overcome inflation

If you’ve been to the grocery store recently, you know that prices are skyrocketing fast. That’s inflation and we gotta fight it. Here are 7 tips on how to fight inflation. For free, then, grab your copy of the  5 Building Blocks of a Happy Gay Life here

Everything you need to know to fight inflation

What impact does inflation have on the LGTBQ community

If you’ve been to the grocery store or filled your gas tank recently, you’re very aware that prices are going up—and fast. This phenomenon is called inflation, and it means that your money is worth less. So, what causes inflation? Why is it happening now? And what can we do about it?

On this episode of Queer Money®, we’re sharing seven smart ways to fight inflation, explaining what goods and services are most affected and why rising prices have a disproportionate impact on the LGBTQ community. We discuss how to address inflation on the income side of your balance sheet, challenging you to ask for a raise, bonus, or promotion, start a side hustle or consider changing jobs to bring in more money. Listen in for ideas on cutting your expenses to fight inflation and learn where to help eliminate high-interest debt!

Topics covered on inflation

  • Why inflation has a disproportionate impact on the poor
  • The definition of inflation and why we’re experiencing it right now
  • 3 ways to fight inflation on the income side of your balance sheet
  • Why now is a good time to ask for a raise, bonus, or promotion
  • How changing jobs might increase your salary 10% to 50%
  • The opportunities to start a side hustle as people go back to work
  • 4 ways to fight inflation on the expense side of your balance sheet
  • Where to go for help with eliminating high-interest debt
  • The danger in overspending to keep up with friends
  • Why it’s a good idea to put off purchases in areas of high inflation
  • Canceling food delivery and streaming services you don’t need

Resources to help fight inflation


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