Start building lasting wealth in 9 (often missed) steps.

Geekstreamers are Gay Nomads!

Does the dream of retiring and traveling the world seem completely out of reach?

Too many in the queer community have resigned ourselves to working until we’re dead. We spend money as quickly as we make it to maintain a certain kind of lifestyle. And in trying to be the perfect gay, we’re stuck in that cycle. Break the cycle faster by getting the 5 Building Blocks of a Happy Gay Life here.

Hear from gay nomads Jimmy & Mack:

What if becoming a gay nomad is totally doable?

Jimmy and Mack are the self-described nomadic nerds behind Geekstreamers, a blog where they share their epic stories of life after work, coupled with,  slow traveling around the world.  On this episode of Queer Money®, Jimmy and Mack join us to explain what inspired their shift from a condo in San Francisco and a vacation home in wine country to a downsized (but still fabulous!) RV life.  Jimmy and Mack describe how becoming the Geekstreamers allowed them to save 70% of their income, retire early, and slow travel across the US and internationally.  Listen in for Jimmy and Mack’s insight on building a budget around your values, as well as,  get inspired to track your spending as a first step toward becoming a financially independent gay nomad!

Topics covered

  • Why Jimmy and Mack refer to themselves as the Geekstreamers
  • How Jimmy and Mack ‘accidentally’ fell into the FIRE space
  • What inspired the Geekstreamers’ shift from a condo in San Francisco and a vacation home in wine country to RV life
  • How having less space for stuff forced Jimmy and Mack to get their lifestyle under control (and thus, save or invest 70% of their income)
  • The correlation between shedding their material possessions and the freedom Jimmy and Mack feel
  • Why the Geekstreamers transitioned from RV life to slow travel
  • Not only the 43 states, and 31 national parks, but also the 13 countries Jimmy and Mack have traveled to together
  • How being a queer couple influences where Jimmy and Mack choose to visit
  • How tracking their spending helped the Geekstreamers connect their behaviors to financial outcomes, as well as, build a budget around their values
  • Why so few gay men are talking about FIRE compared to lesbian women
  • How blogging about their journey holds Jimmy and Mack accountable

Resources on becoming gay nomads

Previous 3 Podcast Episodes

We’re David and John Auten-Schneider, the Debt Free Guys ( and hosts of the Queer Money® podcast. We help queer people (and allies) live fabulously not fabulously broke by helping them 1) pay off credit card debt, 2) become part- or full-time entrepreneurs and 3) save and invest for retirement.

Note: This article contains affiliate links, meaning we’ll receive payment at no cost to you if you buy through these links. We only recommend products we use or thoroughly vet and would recommend to our moms.  Buying too many of these is how you live fabulously broke. To live fabulously with financial security, start here.

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