What you can do to increase your return on happiness
Find out how to increase your return on happiness on this episode. Then download your FREE Queer Money Kickstarter, a 9-step Guide to Kickstart Your Journey to Financial Independence.
How you can assess your return on happiness of expenses
Are you chasing the dopamine rush of buying the next new thing? We’ve been taught that having the latest iPhone or designer shoes will make us happy. But that happiness is fleeting. So, what can we do to ensure our spending is worth it? Is there a way to measure the Return on Happiness of a given item or experience before you buy?
On this episode of Queer Money®, we share an overview of the four freedoms and explain how money, time, relationships, and geography contribute to our happiness. We discuss why you shouldn’t rely solely on a W-2 for your financial success and challenge you to add Return on Happiness to your spending analysis.
Listen in for insight on measuring ROH in terms of the four freedoms and learn how to improve your quality of life by considering the Return on Happiness of the things you consume!
Listen to get insight on increasing your return on happiness
Topics covered on how to increase your return on happiness
- Why we’re cultivating 3 sources of income in our Wealth Builder’s Pyramid
- An overview of the 4 freedoms—financial, time, relationships, and geographic
- Why time freedom proves to be the best predictor of happiness
- Why you shouldn’t rely solely on a W-2 for your financial success
- Why big-ticket purchases only bring us short-term happiness
- How to assess the Return on Happiness of expenses in a spending analysis
- How we measure ROH in terms of the 4 freedoms
- How we spend to live up to other’s expectations (and why that’s problematic)
- How to improve your quality of life by rating the ROH of what you consume
Resources on how to increase your return on happiness
- Dr. Laurie Santos
- Spending Analysis on Queer Money EP190
- Jean Chatzky on Queer Money EP340
- Tori Dunlap on Queer Money EP400
- Mike Iamele on Queer Money EP256
- CreditWise
Connect with David and John
- Debt Free Guys on Facebook
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- Debt Free Guys on Youtube
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- Email [email protected]
Watch this week’s episode on how to increase your return on happiness
Previous 3 Podcast Episodes
- What It’s Like Raising a Trans Kid in America
- 7 Ways to Save for Tomorrow and Live Today
- How to Live a Life of Abundance (Even If You’re Broke Now)
We’re David and John Auten-Schneider, the Debt Free Guys (www.debtfreeguys.com), and the Queer Money® podcast hosts. We help queer people (and allies) live fabulously, not fabulously broke, by helping them 1) pay off credit card debt, 2) become part- or full-time entrepreneurs and 3) save and invest for retirement.