Start building lasting wealth in 9 (often missed) steps.

The Real Power of Affirmations

How can affirmations impact your life?

Did you know that you have the power to call money, success and abundance into your life? If you’re doing it right, the power of affirmations can build the habits you need to become the person you want to be. The kind of person with BIG goals and a bigger reality.

Hear Evolve’s advice on the power of affirmations:

Use the power of affirmations and reap the benefits

Evolve Benton is the creator of MAR Media, LLC, and the Speak 4 Profit Academy, an educational consultancy and training program that teaches clients how to build a six-figure speaking business. Evolve earned their MA in Clinical Psychology and LGBTQ Studies and their MFA in Creative Writing, and their own motivational speaking practice focuses on helping participant audiences heal through mindfulness, self-discovering writing and life visioning. Evolve is also the host of the BOI Meets Wellness Podcast. On this episode of Queer Money®, Evolve joins us to introduce the idea of creating a Moneybag Prophecy Vision Board, explaining how they use theirs to build a weekly budget and challenging us to get creative in the process of making our own. They offer insight on leveraging affirmations to speak what you want into your life, sharing their own practice of affirming activities rather than outcomes and connecting daily affirmations with a long-term plan. Listen in for Evolve’s advice on what to do if your affirmations aren’t working and learn how to use the Law of Attraction to achieve your big, scary dreams!

Topics covered on the power of affirmations

How to create a Moneybag Prophecy Vision Board

  • Decide how much you want to make this year (dream BIG)
  • Build a vision board around large # and budget backward

How Evolve uses their Moneybag Prophecy Vision Board

  • Put in a prominent place to see multiple times per day
  • Review budget weekly/quarterly + pivot as needed

How often Evolve suggests creating a vision board

  • As often + as many as you want (e.g.: home, mindful rest)
  • Be intentional about what you’re calling into your life

The logistics of creating your vision board

  • Get creative (can be analog or digital rendering)
  • Use magazines, drawings or build a 3D model

Evolve’s tips for making affirmations work for you

  • Must believe what you’re saying
  • Be intentional with your words

Evolve’s practice of speaking out affirmations

  • Say out loud 10X every morning to build a state of belief
  • Affirm ACTIVITY rather than OUTCOME

How Evolve connects their affirmations with their 10-year plan

  • Ask what person you want to become looks like
  • Create habits NOW to achieve BIG goals

How Evolve’s affirmations fit into their morning routine

  • Drink Detoxwater and pray out loud
  • Follow up meditation with affirmations and gratitude

What to do if your affirmations don’t seem to be working

  • Start with ONE rather than trying to do too much
  • Be okay with being uncomfortable
  • Reset by doing something that brings you joy

Evolve’s buy-a-pair-buy-a-share philosophy of investing

  • Only purchase new sneakers in tandem with stock
  • Controls addiction and aligns with long-term goals

Connect with Evolve

Resources to improve your life

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