What you need to know about what’s funding the LGBT hate groups
Find out who and what’s funding the LGBT hate groups here. Then let us help you start your financial independence journey by eliminating credit card debt with this free 7-Step Credit Card Debt Slasher.
How can we fight the funding of the LGBT hate groups
In a previous episode of Queer Money®, we uncovered the connections among Dave Ramsey, Kingdom Advisors, donor-advised funds, and all the anti-LGBTQ+ legislation sweeping the country. And that show got a lot of attention from the queer community as well as stakeholders in the financial services industry.
Toby Salinger, Chief Correspondent at Financial Planning magazine, followed up on our podcast with an in-depth article entitled ‘Are Christian Donor-Advised Funds Pushing Anti-LGBTQ Politics?’
On this episode of Queer Money®, Toby joins us to discuss his research around donor-advised funds, sharing his concerns about the tax advantages and anonymity of charitable giving through DAFs. Toby challenges the financial services industry to stand up for its LGBTQ+ advisors and employees, explaining how firms that innovate funds to support the queer community will win in the long term.
Listen in for Toby’s insight on countering anti-LGBTQ sentiment with our own donor-advised funds and learn how you can help increase media awareness around the DAFs that fund hate groups.
Listen to get insight on what’s funding LGBT hate groups
Topics covered on what’s funding LGBT hate groups
- What inspired Toby to follow up on Queer Money® EP386 with an article on donor-advised funds
- The response Financial Planning magazine has received so far from Toby’s article
- How well-known firms who partner with Kingdom Advisors responded to Toby’s questions for the piece
- The responsibility we have as givers to DAFs is to understand where our money is going
- Toby’s concerns around the tax advantages and anonymity of charitable giving through DAFs
- How public nonprofits are technically not allowed to engage in political efforts (and how they get around those limitations)
- Why Congress hasn’t taken action to regulate donor-advised funds
- How financial services firms will be expected to stand up for their LGBTQ+ advisors and employees
- Why financial services firms innovating funds that support the queer community will win in the long term
- What’s behind the 30% growth of Kingdom Advisors over the last 3 years
- How the LGBTQ+ community and our allies can launch our own DAFs to fund organizations that support our rights
- How to help increase media awareness around DAFs that fund the anti-LGBTQ industrial complex
Connect with Toby
- Financial Planning. com
- Toby at Financial Planning
- Toby Salinger on LinkedIn
- TobySalFP on Twitter
Resources on what’s funding LGBT hate groups
- How Donor-Advised Funds Harm LGBTQ Americans on Queer Money EP386
- ‘Are Christian Donor-Advised Funds Pushing Anti-LGBTQ Politics?’ in Financial Planning
- ‘Well-Funded Christian Group Behind US Effort to Roll Back LGBTQ+ Rights’ in The Guardian.com
- Southern Poverty Law Center Hate Map splcenter.org
- Accountable for Equality.org
- ‘Wealthy Use Loophole to Reap Tax Breaks—And Delay Giving Away Money’ – Bloomberg.com
- Invest Vegan.org
- Adasina.com
- AbacusWealth.com
- AmalgamatedFoundation.org Hate Is Not Charitable Campaign
- CreditWise
Connect with David and John
- Debt Free Guys on Facebook
- Debt Free Guys on Twitter
- Debt Free Guys on Youtube
- Queer Money Facebook Group
- Queer Money on Instagram
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- Email [email protected]
Watch this week’s episode on what’s funding LGBT hate groups
Previous 3 Podcast Episodes
- How to Align Your Spending with Your Values
- Being Your Authentic Self as an Entrepreneur
- How Changes to 529 Plans Could Fund Your Retirement
We’re David and John Auten-Schneider, the Debt Free Guys (www.debtfreeguys.com), and the Queer Money® podcast hosts. We help queer people (and allies) live fabulously, not fabulously broke, by helping them 1) pay off credit card debt, 2) become part- or full-time entrepreneurs and 3) save and invest for retirement.