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7 Examples of Legacy LGBT Financial Exclusion

How to overcome legacy financial exclusion

Why is the LGBTQ community struggling financially? We’re often victims of ‘legacy financial exclusion’. Here’s what you need to know and how to overcome it. Meanwhile, grab your free copy of the 5 Building Blocks of a Happy Gay Life here.

Everything you need on legacy financial exclusion:

Legacy exclusion from finances

So, what’s it mean to be excluded from finances, exactly? How does it hurt us? And most importantly, what can we do about it? On this episode of the Queer Money® podcast, we discuss legacy financial exclusion, sharing several examples of how the queer community may not get the same financial support or education as our straight peers. We go on to share 4 strategies for overcoming this financial form of bigotry, offering ideas for avoiding or eliminating student loan debt, and challenging you to talk about money with your peers in the LGBTQ community. Listen in for insight on saving for retirement and learn what YOU can do to channel Aretha and Annie—and help build legacy wealth within the queer community!

Topics covered about financial exclusion

  • 7 examples of how the LGBTQ community is affected by monetary exclusion
  • 3 examples of how queer youth in non-affirming families don’t get the same financial support or education as their straight peers/siblings
  • How straight adult children get help with major expenses (i.e.: weddings, buying their first home, etc.) that LGBTQ adults may not
  • The compounding impact of not inheriting valuable family assets
  • 4 ways the LGBTQ community can overcome this exclusion
  • 4 strategies for avoiding or eliminating student loan debt
  • Why it’s crucial for the queer community to talk about money with their peers (and how to initiate the conversation)
  • The importance of being strategic about saving for retirement
  • What we can do to build legacy wealth within the LGBTQ community

Resources to overcome financial exclusion

5 Building Blocks of a Happy Gay Life


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