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The Economics of Being a Drag Queen

What secrets can you learn about the economics of being a drag queen

Find out the economics of making a queer movie on this episode. Then download your FREE Queer Money Kickstarter, a 9-step Guide to Kickstart Your Journey to Financial Independence.

How much it cost to be a drag queen and other economics you might consider 

We’re drawn to drag queens and love being entertained by them. But have you ever considered what it takes to build a business as a drag performer? How much do they invest in costumes, makeup, and marketing? How do you make drag a full-time job? Jessica L’Whor is an up-and-coming national queen who got her big break by winning the Colorado State University Drag Show in 2013. Since then, Jessica has been named Best New Queen on the Scene and Colorado’s Drag Entertainer of the Year.

On this episode of Queer Money®®, Miss Jessica joins us to discuss the economics of being a drag performer and describe how she does financial forecasting for her business. Jessica explains what life was like before she got her big break and what she would do to avoid credit card debt if she could go back to the early days of her career.

Listen in to understand how Jessica lives her core values—work hard, play hard, and slay humble—and learn how to turn the hobby of being a drag queen into your primary source of income.

Listen to get insight on the economics of being a drag queen

Topics covered on the economics of being a drag queen

  • Jessica’s core values to work hard, play hard and slay humble
  • Why it’s crucial to treat drag like a business (if it’s your main source of income)
  • When Jessica realized she could make being a drag queen a business
  • What Jessica’s life was like before she won the CSU Drag Show in 2013
  • How much Jessica invested in being a drag performer before her big break
  • What Jessica would do to avoid credit card debt if she could go back to the early days of her career
  • Resisting the pressure to buy designer outfits as an aspiring drag queen
  • What inspired Jessica’s rebrand in 2020 and how she built a team to help run her business
  • How Jessica budgets for her business and does financial forecasting
  • Balancing the hard work of being a drag queen with having fun


Connect with Miss Jessica 

  • Jessica L’Whor
  • JessicaLWhor on Instagram
  • Jessica L Whor on YouTube
  • Jess Talks on Apple Podcasts

Resources on the economics of being a drag queen

Connect with David and John

Watch this week’s episode on the economics of being a drag queen

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We’re David and John Auten-Schneider, the Debt Free Guys (, and the Queer Money® podcast hosts. We help queer people (and allies) live fabulously, not fabulously broke, by helping them 1) pay off credit card debt, 2) become part- or full-time entrepreneurs and 3) save and invest for retirement.

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