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How We’re All Feeling about Our Finances Today

What you can learn about your feelings regarding your finances

Find out how we’re all feeling about our finances on this episode. Then download your FREE Queer Money Kickstarter, a 9-step Guide to Kickstart Your Journey to Financial Independence.

How credit is a factor in feeling financially independent and optimist about the future

Does the economy, inflation, or stock market volatility have you feeling stressed these days? A listener emailed us recently and asked, ‘Am I the only one feeling anxious about the state of the world today, the economy, and my finances?’ According to a recent study conducted by Experian, the answer is a resounding no. If you’re concerned about money right now, you are definitely not alone. So, what’s behind many of our concerns about money in the current economy? And what can we do to reduce some of that financial anxiety?

On this episode of Queer Money®, Christina Roman, Consumer Education Advocate at Experian, joins us to explain why people are feeling financially pinched at the moment. Christina shares key findings from Experian’s study on millennial and Gen Z personal finance trends, and we discuss why so many young adults rely on their parents for financial support.

Listen in to understand how credit factors into feeling financially independent and get Christina’s advice on easing your money anxiety and improving your financial health!

Listen to get insight on how we’re all feeling about our finances

Topics covered on how we’re all feeling about our finances

  • Christina’s take on why people are feeling financially pinched right now
  • Why people feel alone in their financial anxiety (despite evidence to the contrary)
  • Using credit as a tool vs. a crutch to live a lifestyle you can’t really afford
  • What inspired Experian’s study on millennial and Gen Z personal finance trends
  • What percentage of millennials and Gen Z-ers rely on their parents for financial support
  • How people are having children later to make sure they’re financially healthy
  • What young people can learn from economic crises of the past, e.g., Great Recession
  • Why even six-figure earners feel like they are ‘poor’ or ‘just getting by’
  • How financial resilience is helping millennials and Gen Z-ers remain optimistic about money
  • How credit factors into feeling financially independent and optimist about the future
  • Where to go for access to your credit report from each of the 3 credit bureaus
  • Christina’s top resources for understanding + improving your credit score 


Connect with Christina

Resources on how we’re all feeling about our finances

Connect with David and John

Watch this week’s episode on how we’re all feeling about our finances

Previous 3 Podcast Episodes

We’re David and John Auten-Schneider, the Debt Free Guys (, and the Queer Money® podcast hosts. We help queer people (and allies) live fabulously, not fabulously broke, by helping them 1) pay off credit card debt, 2) become part- or full-time entrepreneurs and 3) save and invest for retirement.

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